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Livres Livres
" Who God doth late and early pray More of his grace than gifts to lend; And entertains the harmless day With a religious book or friend — This man is freed from servile bands Of hope to rise or fear to fall: Lord of himself, though not of lands, And,... "
The Emerald - Page 274
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Musapædia, or Miscellany poems, never before printed. By several members of ...

Musapaedia - 1719 - 170 pages
...whom Chance doth raife, Or Vice ; who never underflood How deepeft Wounds are given by Praife, Not Rules of State, but Rules of Good. Who GOD doth late and early pray More of his Grace than Gifts to fend ; And entertains the harmlefs Day With a well-chofen Book or Friend. This Man is free from fervile...
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A Miscellaneous Collection of Poems, Songs and Epigrams, Volumes 1 à 2

T Mosse - 1721 - 534 pages
...neither Ilatt'reis feed, Nor Ruin rnake Oppreffort great. . -• ..^•""$-'•..• • '• Vj'ho GOD doth late and early pray, More of his Grace, than Gifts to lend ; And entertains the harmlefs Day With a Relidous'fcook, or Friend. * ••'• I c.Vi"f ; ~ — , .^iL^;. v VHJ , ix .4...
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The Windsor medley: being a choice collection of several curious pieces in ...

Windsor medley - 1731 - 76 pages
...Wnoenviethnone, whom Chance doth raife, Or Vice, who never underftood, Howdeepeft Wounds are given withPraife, Nor Rules of State, but Rules of Good. WHO God doth...his Grace, than Gifts to lend ; And entertains the harmlefs Day, With a well chofenBookor Friend. THIS Man is free from fervile Bonds, Of Hope to rife,...
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The seraph, a collection of divine hymns and poems from the best authors

Seraph - 1754 - 294 pages his ftrong retreat} Whofe ftate can neither flatt'rers feed, Nor ruin make opprefTors great. V. Who God doth late and early pray More of his grace, than gifts to lend ; And entertains the harmlefs day, With a religious book, or friend. VI. This man is freed from fervile bands Of hope to...
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Reliques of Ancient English Poetry:: Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs ...

Thomas Percy - 1767 - 460 pages
...raife, Or vice : Who never nnderftood How deepeft wounds are given with praife ; 15 Nor rules of ftate, but rules of good : Who God doth late and early pray More of his grace than gifts to lend j And entertaines the harmlefs day With a well-chofen book or friend. . *• This man is freed from...
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The Jester's Magazine: Or, The Monthly Merrymaker, Numéros 1 à 15

1767 - 476 pages
...whomChance doih raifc, Or Vice ; who never undcrftood How deepcft W°unds are given with Praife, Kot Rules of State, but Rules of Good : Who God doth late and early prayMore of his Grace than Gihs to lend; Who entertains the barmlefs Day With a well - chofcn Book...
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Drinking songs. Miscellaneous songs. Ancient ballads

1783 - 360 pages
...confcience is his ftrong retreat : Whofe ftate can neither flatterers feed, Nor ruin make oppreflbrs great. Who God doth late and early pray, More of his grace than gifts to lend: And entertains the harmlefs day With a religious book or friend. G 4 Thb This man is freed from fervile hands, Of hope...
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The New London Magazine, Volume 1

716 pages
...his ftrong retreat : Whofe ftate can neither fbtt'ters feed, • Nor ruin make oppr«flbrs great. V. Who God doth late and early pray More of his grace, than gifts to lend : And entertains the harmlefs day, With a religious book, or friend. This man is freed from fervUe bands, Of hope to rife,...
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Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic ..., Volume 1

Thomas Percy - 1794 - 506 pages
...raife, Or vice : Who never underftood How deeped wounds are given with praife ; ij Nor rules of ftate, but rules of good ; Who God doth late and early pray More ot his grace than gifts to lend ; And entertaines the harmlefs day With a well-chofen book or friend....
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The Bee: A Selection of Poetry

1796 - 218 pages
...raife, Or vice; who never underftood How deepeft wounds are given with praife ; Nor rules of ftate, but rules of good : Who God doth late and early pray...of his grace than gifts to lend, And entertains the harmlefs day With a well-chofen book or friend ! This man is freed from fervile bands Df hope to rife,...
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