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" A single rose is shedding there Its lonely lustre, meek and pale : It looks as planted by Despair — So white — so faint — the slightest gale Might whirl the leaves on high; And yet, though storms and blight assail. And hands more rude than wintry... "
The works of lord Byron - Page 128
de George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1823
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Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review, Volume 84,Partie 1 ;Volume 115

1814 - 790 pages exists — which ever blooms, Ev'n in that deadly grove.— A single rose is shedding there Us lonely lustre, meek and pale, It looks as planted...the slightest gale Might whirl the leaves on high; [assail, And yet, though storms and blight And bauds more rude than wintry sky May wring it from the...
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The Works of the Right Honourable Lord Byron: The giaour. Bride of Abydos

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1817 - 226 pages
...early unrequited Love, One spot exists, which ever blooms, A single rose is shedding there 1 155 It's lonely lustre, meek and pale : It looks as planted...blight assail, And hands more rude than wintry sky Il6l May wring it from the stem — in vain — To-morrow sees it bloom again ! The stalk some spirit...
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The works of lord Byron, Volume 2

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1820 - 308 pages
...1150 Like early unrequited love, One spot exists, which ever blooms, Ev'n in that deadly grove — A single rose is shedding there Its lonely lustre, meek and pale : 1 155 It looks as planted by Despair — So white — so faint — the slightest gale Might whirl...
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The Giaour

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1823 - 466 pages
...exists — which ever bloomy, 670 Ev'n in that deadly grove. — A single rose is shedding there It's lonely lustre, meek and pale, It looks as planted...stem — in vain — To-morrow sees it bloom again ! 68O The stalk some spirit gently rears, And waters with celestial tears. For well may maids of Helle...
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Flora Domestica: Or, The Portable Flower-garden : with Directions for the ...

Elizabeth Kent - 1823 - 498 pages
...tomb of Zuleika : while the nightingale soothes his beloved with his sweet and plaintive notes : " A single rose is shedding there Its lonely lustre...on high ; And yet though storms and blight assail, Y And hands more rude than wintry sky May wring it from the stem — in vain — To-morrow sees it...
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The Beauties of Byron,: Consisting of Selections from His Works

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron, Alfred Howard - 1824 - 226 pages
...grief Like early, unrequited Love, One spot exists, which ever blooms, Even in that deadly grove— A single rose is shedding there Its lonely lustre,...whirl the leaves on high ; And yet, though storms and Might assail, And hands more rude than wintry sky May wring it from the stem — in vain — To-morrow...
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Lord Byron, Volume 1

Louise Swanton-Belloc - 1824 - 400 pages
...ever blooms, Ev'n in tli.,t deadly grove — A single rose is shedding there Its Ion cl i lustre, meck and pale : It looks as planted by Despair — So white...slightest gale Might whirl the leaves on high; And jet, thongh storms and blight assail, And hands more rude than wintry sky May wring it from the stem...
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The Beauties of Byron,: Consisting of Selections from His Works

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1824 - 234 pages
...grief Like early, unrequited Love, One spot exists, which ever blooms, Even in that deadly grove— A single rose is shedding there Its lonely lustre,...meek and pale: It looks as planted by Despair— So white—so faint—the slightest gale Might whirl the leaves on high; And yet, though storms and blight...
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The works of the rt. hon. lord Byron, Volume 2

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1824 - 340 pages
...whose'rages all will he delighted lo recur. Its lonely lustre, meek and pale: It looks as planted hy Despair — So white — so faint — the slightest...whirl the leaves on high; And yet, though storms and hlight assail, And hands more rude than wintry sky May wring it from the stem — in rain — To-morrow...
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Lord Byron

George Clinton - 1825 - 826 pages
...early uurequited love ! .i , . One spot exists which ever blooms, E'en in that deadly grove !— . A single rose is shedding there Its lonely lustre,...wintry sky May wring it from the stem — in vain-^ The stalk some spirit gently rears, And waters with celestial tears ; For well may maids of Ilelle...
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