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" All scatter'd in the bottom of the sea. Some lay in dead men's skulls; and, in those holes Where eyes did once inhabit, there were crept (As 'twere in scorn of eyes,) reflecting gems, That woo'd the slimy bottom of the deep, And mock'd the dead bones... "
Trifleton Papers - Page 109
de Warren Tilton, William August Crafts - 1856 - 310 pages
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The Boy's Yearly Book

1863 - 348 pages
...Ail scatter'd at the bottom of the aea. Some lay iu dead men's skulls ; and in those holes Where'eyes did once inhabit, there were crept (As 'twere in scorn of eyes) reflecting gems, That woo'd the slimy bottom of the deep, And mock'd the dead bones that lay scatter'd by. At last the birthday...
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Shakespeare's plays, abridged and revised for the use of girls ..., Volume 221

William Shakespeare - 1863 - 166 pages
...the bottom of the sea. Some lay in dead men's skulls; and in those holes Where eyes did once inhahit, there were crept, As 'twere in scorn of eyes, reflecting gems, That woo'd the slimy botton of the deep, And mock'd the dead bones that lay scatter'd by. Brak. Had you...
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Foliorum silvula, selections for translation into Latin and Greek ..., Volume 2

Hubert Ashton Holden - 1864 - 692 pages
...upon: wedges of gold, great anchors, heaps of pearl, inestimable stones, unvalued jewels, all scatter'd in the bottom of the sea. Some lay in dead men's skulls...(as 'twere in scorn of eyes,) reflecting gems, that woe'd the slimy bottom of the deep, and mock'd the dead bones that lay scatter'd by. Br. Had you such...
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Shakespere's Works, Volume 7

William Shakespeare - 1897 - 350 pages
...; Wedges of gold, great anchors, heaps of pearl, Inestimable stones, unvalued jewels, All scatter'd in the bottom of the sea. Some lay in dead men's skulls...As 'twere in scorn of eyes, reflecting gems, That woo'd the slimy bottom of the deep, And mock'd the dead bones that lay scatter'd by. Brak. Had you...
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Cuba Past and Present

Richard Davey - 1898 - 314 pages
..." Methought I saw . . . Wedges of gold, great anchors, heaps of pearl, Inestimable stones, unvalu'd jewels, All scattered in the bottom of the sea. Some...(As 'twere in scorn of eyes) reflecting gems, That woo'd the slimy bottom of the deep, And mock'd the dead bones that lay scatter'd by." A scene very...
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Cuba Past and Present

Richard Davey - 1898 - 318 pages
.... Wedges of gold, great anchors, heaps of pearl, Inestimable stones, unvalu'd jewels, All scatter'd in the bottom of the sea. Some lay in dead men's skulls,...(As 'twere in scorn of eyes) reflecting gems, That woo'd the slimy bottom of the deep, And mock'd the dead bones that lay scatter'd by." A scene very...
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In the Louisiana Lowlands: A Sketch of Plantation Life, Fishing and Camping ...

Fred Mather - 1900 - 348 pages
..."Methought I saw * * * Wedges of gold, great anchors, heaps of pearl, Inestimable stones, unvalu'd jewels, All scattered in the bottom of the sea. Some...(As 'twere in scorn of eyes) reflecting gems, That woo'd the slimy bottom of the deep, And mock'd the dead bones that lay scatter'd by." The perfect silence,...
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My Angling Friends: Being a Second Series of Sketches of Men I Have Fished with

Fred Mather - 1901 - 410 pages
..."Methought I saw * * * Wedges of gold, great anchors, heaps of pearl, Inestimable stones, unvalu'd jewels, All scattered in the bottom of the sea. Some...(As 'twere in scorn of eyes) reflecting gems, That woo'd the slimy bottom of the deep, And mock'd the dead bones that lay scatter'd by." of success or...
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The Cyclopedia of Oratory: A Handbook of Authorities on Oratory as an Art ...

W. V. Byars - 1901 - 616 pages
...; Wedges of gold, great anchors, heaps of pearl. Inestimable stones, unvalued jewels, All scatter'd in the bottom of the sea ; Some lay in dead men's...As 'twere in scorn of eyes ) reflecting gems, That woo'd the slimy bottom of the deep, And mock'd the dead bones that lay scatter'd by. Brakenbuty —...
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The Handbook of Oratory: A Cyclopedia of Authorities on Oratory as an Art ...

William Vincent Byars - 1901 - 614 pages
...; Wedges of gold, great anchors, heaps of pearl. Inestimable stones, unvalued jewels, All scatter'd in the bottom of the sea ; Some lay in dead men's...As 'twere in scorn of eyes ) reflecting gems. That woo'd the slimy bottom of the deep, And mock'd the dead bones that lay scatter'd by. Brakenbury—...
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