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" O' my sweet Highland Mary. How sweetly bloom'd the gay green birk, How rich the hawthorn's blossom, As underneath their fragrant shade I clasp'd her to my bosom ! The golden hours on angel wings Flew o'er me and my dearie; For dear to me as light and... "
Analectic Magazine: Comprising Original Reviews, Biography, Analytical ... - Page 246
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Magazine of Wit and American Harmonist: Containing a Collection of the Most ...

1821 - 154 pages
...Highland Maiy. How sweetly bloom'd the gay green kirk, How rich the hawthorn's blossom : As underneath her fragrant shade, I clasp'd her to my bosom ! •The...on angel wings ; Flew o'er me and my dearie ; For (ivar to me as light and life, Was my sweet Highland Mary. Wi' money a vow, and lock'd embrace, Our...
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Lives of Scottish poets [ed. by A. Sempil]. 3 vols. [in 6 pt.].

Society of ancient Scots - 1821 - 226 pages
...flame of love in his bosom, and a lover's hopes soon revived all nature around him. How sweetly bloom'd the gay, green birk, How rich the hawthorn's blossom...underneath their fragrant shade, I clasp'd her to my bosom 1 The golden hours on angel wings, Flew o'er me and my dearie ; For dear to me as light and life, Was...
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The London Magazine, Volume 4

1821 - 724 pages
...youthful courtships, when, as he says with inimitable sweetness, The golden hours, on angel wings, Hew o'er me and my dearie ; For dear to me as light and life, Was my young Highland Alary. A sort of pensive moral pathos seems, in his earlier pieces, to have been a predominant...
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The Works of the British Poets: With Lives of the Authors, Volume 38

Ezekiel Sanford, Robert Walsh - 1822 - 416 pages
...the langest tarry ; For there I took the last fareweel O' my sweet Highland Mary. How sweetly bloom'd the gay green birk, How rich the hawthorn's blossom...embrace, Our parting was fu' tender ; And, pledging aft to meet again, We tore oursels asunder ; Hut Oh ! fell death's untimely frost, That nipt my flower...
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The British Poets: Including Translations ...

British poets - 1822 - 274 pages
...the langest tarry ; For there I took the last fareweel O' my sweet Highland Mary. How sweetly bloom'd the gay green birk, How rich the hawthorn's blossom,, as light and life, Was my sweet Highland Mary. i Young's Night Thought*. AULD LANG SYNE. 171 Wi' mony a vow, and lock'd embrace, Our parting was fu'...
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Lives of Scottish Poets, Volume 1

Joseph Robertson - 1822 - 418 pages
...flame of love in his bosom, and a lover's hopes soon revived all nature around him. How sweetly bloom'd the gay, green birk, How rich the hawthorn's as light and life, Was my sweet Highland Mary. The gleam of bliss, unhappily, was but transient. The object of this passion died early in life, and...
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Lives of Scottish Poets, Volume 1

Joseph Robertson - 1822 - 458 pages
...bosom, and a lover's hopes soon revived all nature around him. How sweetly bloom'd the gay, green hirk, How rich the hawthorn's blossom ! As underneath as light and life, Was my sweet Highland Mary. The gleam of bliss, unhappily, was but transient. The object of this passion died early in life, and...
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The songs of Scotland, ancient and modern; with an intr. and notes ..., Volume 2

Allan Cunningham - 1825 - 756 pages
...the langest tarry; For there I took the last fareweel O' my sweet Highland Mary. How sweetly bloom'd the gay green birk, How rich the hawthorn's blossom,...and my dearie; For dear to me, as light and life, Wi' mony a vow, and lock'd embrace, Our parting was fu' tender ; And, pledging aft to meet again, We...
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The British anthology; or, Poetical library, Volumes 7 à 8

British anthology - 1825 - 464 pages
...the langest tarry ; For there l took the last fareweel O' my sweet Highland Mary. How sweetly bloom'd the gay green birk, How rich the hawthorn's blossom,...underneath their fragrant shade, I clasp'd her to my bosom ! Tin: golden hours, on augel wings, Flew o'er me and my dearie ; For dear to me, as light and life,...
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The Beauties of Burns: Consisting of Selections from His Poems and Letters

Robert Burns, Alfred Howard - 1826 - 226 pages
...the langest tarry; For there I took the last fareweel O' my sweet Highland Mary. How sweetly bloom'd the gay green birk, How rich the hawthorn's blossom,...embrace, Our parting was fu' tender ; And, pledging aft to meet again, We tore oursels asunder; But, Oh ! fell death's untimely frost, That nipt my flower...
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