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" Petitions, memorials, and other papers addressed to the house, shall be presented by the speaker, or by a member in his place ; a brief statement of the contents thereof... "
Journal of the Proceedings of the Assembly of the State of California - Page 63
de California. Legislature. Assembly
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Manual for the Use of the Legislature of the State of New York for the Year ...

New York (State). Secretary's Office - 1859 - 592 pages
...statement of the contents of the petition or memorial shall verbally be made by the introducer.— RiUc 24. Petitions, memorials, and other papers addressed to...brief statement of the contents thereof shall be made verhally by the introducer ; they shall not be debated on the day of their being presented, nor on...
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A Manual of Customs, Precedents, and Forms in Use in the Assembly of the ...

1860 - 94 pages
...Petitions, memorials, communications, and other papers, addressed to the Assembly, shall be presented t>ya member in his place ; a brief statement of the contents thereof shall be made verbally, and endorsed thereon, together with his name, by the member introducing the same. They shall not be...
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The Legislative Manual of the State of Wisconsin

1862 - 220 pages
...other pa- Petitiont,4c. pers, addressed to the Assembly, shall be presented by a £jw Presentmember in his place ; a brief statement of the contents thereof shall be made verbally, and endorsed thereon, together with his name, by the member introducing the same. 24. It shall be competent...
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The Legislative Manual of the State of Wisconsin

1864 - 236 pages
...the contents of the petition or memorial shall verbally be made by tile introdu,:er. — 2-1. Petitions, memorials, and other papers addressed to...introducer; they shall not be debated on the day of their bein£ presented, nor on any day assigned by the House for the receipt of petitions after the first...
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Legislative Documents Compiled by Order of the ... General Assembly, Volume 1

Iowa. General Assembly - 1864 - 652 pages, and such motion shall take precedence of all other questions, except a motion to adjourn. 33. Petitions, memorials and other papers addressed, a brief statement of the contents thereof shall verbally be made by the introducer, and shall not be debated ordecided on the day of their being first...
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House journal of the ... session of the Legislative Asembly of the Territory ...

Dakota (Ter.) Legislative Assembly. House - 1864 - 204 pages
...main question shall be now put, shall be decided, whether on appeal or otherwise, without debate. 16. Petitions, memorials, and other papers addressed to...presented by the speaker, or by a member in his place. 17. Every member who shall be present before the vote 13 declared from the chair, and no other, shall...
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Debates in the Convention for the Revision and Amendment of the Constitution ...

Louisiana. Constitutional Convention, Albert P. Bennett - 1864 - 644 pages
...Petitions, memorials and other papers, addressed to the Convention, shall be presented by the president or a member in his place ; a brief statement of the contents thereof shall be made verbally by the member introducing the same. XXXIII. Any ten members, after organization of the Convention, are authorized...
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A Manual of Parliamentary Practice: Composed Originally for the Use of the ...

Thomas Jefferson - 1864 - 208 pages
...statement of the contents of the petition or memorial shall verbally he made by the introducer.— Rule 24. Petitions, memorials, and other papers, addressed to the House, shall be presented hy the Speaker, or by a memher in his place; a brief statement of the contents thereof shall he made...
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The Legislative Manual of the State of Wisconsin

1865 - 262 pages
...of the contente of the petitiou or memorial shall verhally be made by the introducer. — Rule 24. Petitions, memorials, and other papers addressed to...brief statement of the contents thereof shall be made verhally by the introducer ; they shall not be dehated on the day of their being presented, nor on...
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Legislative Manual of the State of Wisconsin

Wisconsin - 1865 - 252 pages
...communications, and other Petitions, papers addressed to the Assembly, shall be presented by a pj."^,^^ member in his place ; a brief statement of the contents thereof shall be made verbally, and endorsed thereon, together with his name, by the member introducing the same. 34. Any member offering...
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