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" ... had and received by the defendant to the use of the plaintiff... "
The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ... - Page 247
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Reports of Cases at Law, Argued and Determined in the Court of ..., Volume 1

South Carolina. Court of Appeals, William Rice (state reporter.) - 1839 - 564 pages
...plaintiffs to the use of the defendant, under the common count for money paid, and not as might be supposed for money had and received, by the defendant to the use of the plaintiffs. In relation however to the question whether the common count may be sufficient, or whether...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Queen's ..., Volume 1

Graham Willmore, Great Britain. Court of King's Bench, Frederick Luard Wollaston, Sir William Hodges - 1840 - 826 pages
...J — The substance of the contract was, that under the circumstances, 80/., minus 10/., should be money had and received by the defendant to the use of the plaintiff. COLERIDGE, J. concurred. Hule refused. v. ORBELL. («) 16 East, 254. (b) 5 E;i>t, 449. (c)...
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Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas: With ..., Volume 7

Great Britain. Court of Common Pleas, James Manning, Thomas Colpitts Granger - 1846 - 1126 pages
...NN 184*. May 30. •[ LACKiNGTON and Others, Assignees of MAT, a Bankrupt, v. ELLIOTT. A SSUMPSIT, for money had and received by the defendant, to the use of the plaintiffs as assignees of James May, a bankrupt. Plea, non assumpsit. At the trial of the cause before...
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An Analytical Digest of All the Reported Cases Determined in the ..., Volume 4

Samuel Bealey Harrison - 1842 - 694 pages
...Scott, 171; 2 Bing. NR 136; 1 Hodges, 21 3. 406 To a count in debt by the assignees of a 'bankrupt for money had and received by the .defendant to the use of the plaintiffs as assignees, (not stating whether received before or since the bankruptcy;, the defendant...
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The Law Times, Volume 52

1872 - 516 pages
...distress — Right to sue for— Property in foods — Husband and wife. ACTION for excessive distress and for money had and received by the defendant to the use of the plaintiff. Pleas : Not guiltjr by statute 11 Geo. 2, c. 19, s.21. Issue. The plaintiff occupied a house...
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A Digest of the Reported Cases Adjudged in the Several Courts Held ..., Volume 1

Thomas Isaac Wharton - 1843 - 870 pages
...Henry, 2 M. 295. 73. An affidavit that t-he defendant is indebted to the plaintiff in a certain sum for money had and received by the defendant to the use of the plaintiff "as deponent verily believes," held to be insufficient. Hewitt r. Nicholson, 2 M. 322. 74....
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Queen's ..., Partie 140,Volume 1

Alfred Dowling, Vincent Dowling, Great Britain. Bail Court - 1843 - 1056 pages
...amount which was sought to be recovered in the present action. It was now argued that this was not money had and received by the defendant to the use of the plaintiff, within the terms of the declaration ; 1842. but that the defendant had received the money...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme ..., Volume 2 ;Volume 43

United States. Supreme Court - 1844 - 800 pages
...himself in his own right, yet it was the constant practice to join in the same declaration several counts for money had and received by the defendant to the use of the testator, and to the use of the executor as made. Matheson's Admin. r. Grant's Admin. counts in the declaration...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of ..., Volume 5

Indiana. Supreme Court, Isaac Newton Blackford - 1844 - 668 pages
...for goods sold and delivered, and money paid, by the plaintiff as administrator of the intestate, and for money had and received by the defendant to the use of the plaintiff as such administrator; promise to the plaintiff as administrator as aforesaid. Pleas, 1....
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Irish Law Reports: Particularly of Points of Practice, Argued and ..., Volume 6

Ireland. Court of King's Bench - 1844 - 584 pages of the bankrupt VCIIUB is local. RUSSELL, Assignee of JOHNSON, a Bankrupt, v. WHALEY. ASSUMPSIT for money had and received by the defendant, to the use of the plaintiff. — The defendant was High-sheriff of the county of Armagh ; and the action was brought...
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