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" Fanning their odoriferous wings, dispense Native perfumes, and whisper whence they stole Those balmy spoils. As when to them who sail Beyond the Cape of Hope, and now are past Mozambic, off at sea north-east winds blow Sabean odours from the spicy shore... "
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Page 483
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, Volume 1

John Milton - 1821 - 226 pages
...their odoriferous wings, dispense Native perfumes, and whisper whence they stole Those balmy spoils. As when to them who sail Beyond the Cape of Hope, and now are pass'd Mozambic, off at sea north-east winds blow Sabean odours from the spicy shore Of Araby the bless'd...
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The Elements of English Composition: Serving as a Sequel to the Study of Grammar

David Irving - 1821 - 336 pages
...the blast.— Ostitn. We naturally communicate our joy in the same manner. •' ' . .'' 'A • ' • As when to them who sail Beyond the Cape of Hope, and now are put Mozambic, off at sea north.cast winds blow Sabean odour from the spicy shore ...... Of Araby the...
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The American First Class Book, Or, Exercises in Reading and Recitation

John Pierpont - 1823 - 492 pages
...their odoriferous wings, dispense Native perfumes, and whisper whence they stole Those balmy spoils. As when, to them who sail Beyond the Cape of Hope,...the spicy shore Of Araby the blest ; with such delay Well-pleas'd they slack their course, and many a league Cheer'd with the grateful smell old Ocean smiles....
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Paradise lost, a poem

John Milton - 1823 - 306 pages
...Mozamhic, ofl' at sea north-east winds hlow Sahean odours from the spicy shore Of Arahy the hless'd ; with such delay Well pleased they slack their course, and many a league Cheer'd with the grateful smell old Ocean smiles : So entertain'd those odorous sweets the Fiend, '...
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The Poetical Works of John Milton: With Notes of Various Authors ..., Volume 1

John Milton - 1824 - 676 pages
...their odoriferous wings dispense Native perfumes, and whisper whence they stole Those balmy spoils. As when to them who sail Beyond the Cape of Hope,...north-east winds blow Sabean odours from the spicy shore is impar congressus, and rhlme fettered his fancy. Spenser's Faery Queen, b. ii. cant. xii. st. 42....
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Knight's Quarterly Magazine, Volume 3

1824 - 488 pages
...has seized the same image, and particularized and dilated it with his peculiar beauty and sublimity : As when to them who sail Beyond the Cape of Hope,...are past Mozambic, off at sea north-east winds blow Sabaean odours from the spicy shore Of Araby the Blest ; with such delay Well pleased they slack their...
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The Poetical Works of John Milton: With Notes of Various Authors ..., Volume 1

John Milton - 1824 - 646 pages
...their odoriferous wings dispense Native perfumes, and whisper whence they stole Those balmy spoils. As when to them who sail Beyond the Cape of Hope, and now are past 160 MozamMc, off at sea north-east winds blow Sabean odours from the spicy .shore is impar congressus,...
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The Poetical Works of John Milton ...

John Milton - 1824 - 502 pages
...their odoriferous wings, dispense Native uerfumes, and whisiier whence they stole Those balmy spoils. As when to them who sail Beyond the Cape of Hope, and now are past 160 КОВШИК, ott'at sea north-east winds blow Sabean odours, from the spicy shore Of Araby the...
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Select British Poets, Or, New Elegant Extracts from Chaucer to the Present ...

William Hazlitt - 1824 - 1062 pages
...their odoriferous wings, dispense Native perfumes, and whisper whence they stole Those balmy spoils. / Mozambie, off at sea north-cast winds blow Babean odours from the spicy shore Of Araby the blest; with...
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The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith: The life of Dr. Parnell. The ...

Oliver Goldsmith - 1825 - 448 pages
...him, backwards shrunk appall'd. Even Milton has indulged himself in the same licence of expression — As when to them who sail Beyond the Cape of Hope,...are past Mozambic, off at sea north-east winds blow Sabaean odour from the spicy shore Of Araby the blest ; with such delay Well pleased they slack their...
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