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" There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone: it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. "
Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America: Or, An Attempt to Collect ... - Page 311
de Hezekiah Niles - 1822 - 495 pages
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The New American Speaker: A Collection of Oratorical and Dramatical Pieces ...

John Celivergos Zachos - 1851 - 570 pages
...force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not light alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and...sir, is not to the strong alone, — it is to the active the vigilant, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election ! If we were base enough to desire...
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A Course of Reading for Common Schools and the Lower Classes of Academies ...

Henry Mandeville - 1851 - 396 pages
...enemy can send against us. Besides, 36 sir, we shall not fight our battles alone : there is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations ; and...up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle is 37 not to the strong alone ; it is the vigilant: the active : the 38 brave. Besides, sir, we have...
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De Bow's Review and Industrial Resources, Statistics, Etc ..., Volume 10

1851 - 770 pages
...are not weak, if we make a proper nse of those means which God and nature hath placed in our power. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone ; it is to the vigilant, and the active, and the brave." Mr. Henry made no reply to this retort — but turning to one of his...
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The Standard Speaker: Containing Exercises in Prose and Poetry for ...

Epes Sargent - 1852 - 570 pages
...our enemy can send against us. Besides, Sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of Nations, to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, Sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the...
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The Standard Speaker: Containing Exercises in Prose and Poetry for ...

Epes Sargent - 1852 - 570 pages
...our enemy can send against us. Besides, Sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of Nations, to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, Sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the...
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The Pictorial Field-book of the Revolution ; Or, Illustrations, by ..., Volume 2

Benson John Lossing - 1852 - 948 pages
...our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and...alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. And again, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from...
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The Pictorial Field-book of the Revolution ; Or, Illustrations, by ..., Volume 2

Benson John Lossing - 1852 - 946 pages
...which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alow. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and...alone ; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. And again, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from...
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McGuffey's Newly Revised Rhetorical Guide: Or, Fifth Reader of the Eclectic ...

William Holmes McGuffey - 1853 - 492 pages
...our enemy can send against us. Besides, we shall not fight our battles — alone'. There is a just God" who presides over the destinies of nations';...vigilant' — the active" — the brave". Besides, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire" it, it is now too late to retire from the contest'....
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Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, Volume 13

1853 - 496 pages
...our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations , to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we 3»8 SDie cnglifíe ©ргафс unt Siteratut in 9Zort»3lmerica....
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Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, Volume 13

1853 - 498 pages
...our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations . to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the...
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