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" Provided always, That nothing in this Act shall extend or be .construed to extend to... "
A Digest of the Criminal Statute Law of England: Alphabetically and ... - Page 240
de Harold Nuttall Tomlins - 1819
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A Collection of Statutes Connected with the General ..., Volume 2 ;Volume 1225

Great Britain - 1836 - 936 pages
...and above sixty tons, eleven men ; if of one hundred XXII. Provided always,and be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act shall extend, or be construed to extend, to forfeit any square-rigged vessel of the burthen of two hundred tons or upwards by admeasurement,...
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The Statutes at Large of Virginia: From October Session 1792, to ..., Volume 3

Virginia - 1836 - 496 pages
...eight hundred pealed. and five, shall be, and the same is hereby repealed : Provided nevertheless, That nothing in this act shall extend, or be construed to extend, to alter the terms of the charter of the said James river canal company, or to deprive the legislature...
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The Statutes at Large of South Carolina, Volume 5

South Carolina, Thomas Cooper, David James McCord - 1839 - 878 pages
...privilege or protection, or more than one imparlance, shall be allowed. Provided, that nothing contained in this Act shall extend, or be construed to extend, to prevent any other person from surveying this State, or any part thereof, and publishing a map of his survey,...
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The Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer, Volume 2

Richard Burn - 1837 - 1262 pages
...of His Majesty's treasury, or any three or more of them, to the person or persons entitled thereto : provided always, that nothing in this act shall extend or be construed to extend to alter, prejudice, or affect any agreement which hath been or shall or may be entered into by any...
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The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1837 - 458 pages
...Court, shall be read or published in any church or chapel during or immediately after Din"» Service. v. Provided always, That nothing in this Act shall extend or be construed to extend to the publication of banni, я« " notice of the celebration of Divine Service or of sermons, nor...
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Private and Special Laws of the State of Connecticut, Volume 1

Connecticut - 1837 - 804 pages
...such collector, to be collected or paid out of the estate of the collector. Provided nevertheless, that nothing in this act shall extend, or be construed to extend, to enable the freemen of said city, at their legal meeting, to grant or levy any taxes on the polls...
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The British Magazine and Monthly Register of Religious and ..., Volume 12

1837 - 742 pages
...Act not to extend to Notices purely ecclesiastical. 5. Provided always, and be it further enacted. That nothing in this act shall extend or be construed to extend to the publication of banns, nor to notice of the celebration of divine service or of sermons, nor...
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The Church of England quarterly review, Volume 2

1837 - 638 pages
...chapel during or immediately after Divine service. "5. Provided always, and be it further enacted, that nothing in this Act shall extend or be construed to extend to the publication of bans, nor to notice the celebration of Divine service or of sermons, nor to restrain...
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Cases Decided in the House of Lords, on Appeal from the Courts of Scotland ...

James Wilson, Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords, Patrick Shaw, Charles Hope Maclean, William Reginald Courtenay Earl of Devon - 1838 - 802 pages
...from its provisions, which it is assumed might " otherwise have been taken to apply to the case, ' that " ' nothing in this act shall extend, or be construed to " ' extend, &c., to prohibit the appointment of assis" ' tants and successors to the parochial clergy of " ' Scotland.'...
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Nouveaux supplémens au Recueil de traités ...: depuis 1761 jusqu'à ..., Volume 2

Georg Friedrich Martens - 1839 - 698 pages
...owned by His Majesty's subjects; any law, custom, or usage to the contrary thereof notwithstanding: Provided alw'ays, that nothing in this Act shall extend , or be construed to extend, to repeal or in anywise alter the duties of package, scavage, balliage, or portage, or any other duties...
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