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" Far along, From peak to peak, the rattling crags among Leaps the live thunder! Not from one lone cloud, But every mountain now hath found a tongue, And Jura answers, through her misty shroud, Back to the joyous Alps, who call to her aloud! "
The Life, Writings, Opinions, and Times of the Right Hon. George Gordon Noel ... - Page 304
1825 - 431 pages
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The College Album [afterw.] The Glasgow University Album. 1828,36,54,69,74 ...

University of Glasgow - 1836
...thunder ! Not from one lone cloud, But every mountain now hath found a tongue, And Jura answers, through her misty shroud, Back to the joyous Alps, who call to her aloud !" We now heard behind us the torrent that burst from the riven clouds, like the trampling of a multitude,...
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A Practical System of Rhetoric: Or, The Principles and Rules of Style ...

Samuel Phillips Newman - 1829 - 270 pages
...— not from one lone cloud, But every mountain now hath found a tongue ; And Jura answers through her misty shroud, Back to the joyous Alps who call to her aloud." Who in the midst of Alpine scenery, could thus listen to the voice of the leaping thunder, and not...
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Studies in Poetry: Embracing Notices of the Lives and Writings of the Best ...

George Barrell Cheever - 1830 - 516 pages
...thunder! not from one lone cloud, But every mountain now hath found a tongue, And Jura answers, through her misty shroud, Back to the joyous Alps, who call to her aloud ! And this is in the night: — Most glorious night! Thou wert not sent for slumber ! let ma be A sharer in thy fierce...
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Literary Port Folio, Numéros 1 à 26

1830 - 222 pages
...thunder! Not from one lone cloud, But every mountain now hath found а tongue, And Jura answers, through her misty shroud, Back to the joyous Alps, who call to her aloud! And this is in the night : — Most glorious night! Thou wert not made for slumber ! let me be A sharer in thy...
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Narrative of an Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc: On the 8. und 9. August 1827

John Auldjo - 1830 - 224 pages
...thunder ! not from one lone cloud ; But every mountain now hath found a tongue, And Jura answers, through her misty shroud, Back to the joyous Alps, who call to her aloud." The hail beat down with great force, the shower being thick and the stones of a very large size. I...
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Lord Byron [a poem] with remarks on his genius and character

Edward Bagnall - 1831 - 148 pages
...Leaps the live thunder ! not from one lone cloud, But every mountain now hath found a tongue And Jura answers thro' her misty shroud Back to the joyous Alps who call to her aloud ! Such description indeed fully corroborates the account given by the boatman, and bespeaks a soul,...
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Childe Harold's pilgrimage, a romaunt. (Harrow ed.).

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1831 - 290 pages
...thunder ! Not from one lone cloud, But every mountain now hath found a tongue, And Jura answers, through her misty shroud, Back to the joyous Alps, who call to her aloud , XCIII. And this is in the night : — Most glorious night Thou wert not sent for slumber ! let me...
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The Cambridge Book of Poetry and Song

Charlotte Fiske Bates - 1832 - 1022 pages
...thunder! Not from one lone cloud, But every mountain now hath found a tongue, And Jura answers, through her misty shroud, Back to the joyous Alps, who call to her aloud ! And this is in the night: — Most glorious night! Thou wert not sent for slumber I let me be A sharer in thy fierce...
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The Works of Lord Byron: With His Letters and Journals, and His Life, Volume 9

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron, Thomas Moore - 1832 - 384 pages
...thunder ! Not from one lone cloud. But every mountain now hath found a tongue, And Jura answers, through her misty shroud, Back to the joyous Alps, who call to her aloud ! LINES WRITTEN BENEATH A PICTURE. (i) DEAR object of defeated care I Though now of Love and thee bereft,...
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Travelling Sketches in the North of Italy, the Tyrol, and on the Rhine

Leitch Ritchie - 1832 - 272 pages
...nations— . not from one lone cloud, But every mountain now hath found a tongue;' And Jura answers, through her misty shroud, Back to the joyous Alps, who call to her aloud!" Would that the Arch of Peace were finished ! CHAPTER IX. MILAN TO VENICE. WE left Milan at night—in...
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