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" Khan, for the pay and maintenance of a proportionate number of troops, to be employed in the service of his said Highness, making the share of his Highness as follows;: — Estimated value of the territory specified in Schedule B, according to the statement... "
The Mysore Reversion: "an Exceptional Case" - Page 196
de Evans Bell - 1865 - 225 pages
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Remarks on the Mysore Blue-book: With a Few Words to Mr. R.D. Mangles

Evans Bell - 1866 - 104 pages
...Tippoo Sultaun in 1792 - - - Canterai Pagodas 7,77,170 Deduct, provision for the families of Hyder Ali Khan and of Tippoo Sultaun, two lacs of Star Pagodas,...Nabob Nizam-ud-Dowlah Asoph Jah Behauder 5,37,332 in. It being farther expedient for the preservation of peace and tranquillity, and for the general...
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