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" I STOOD in Venice, on the Bridge of Sighs ; A palace and a prison on each hand : I saw from out the wave her structures rise As from the stroke of the enchanter's wand : A thousand years their cloudy wings expand Around me, and a dying Glory smiles O'er... "
The Poetical Works of Lord Byron: Reprinted from the Original Editions, with ... - Page 190
de George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1870 - 720 pages
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The Works of Lord Byron: Embracing His Suppressed Poems, and a Sketch of His ...

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1854 - 1104 pages
...once more how truly I ajn ever Your obliged and affectionate friend, , . -.^ ц BYRON. ¿- ' Ь |l STOOD in Venice, on the Bridge of Sighs ; ' A palace...the stroke of the enchanter's wand: A thousand years thoir cloudy wings expand Around me, and a dying glory smiles O'er the far times, when many a subject...
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Selections from the writings of lord Byron, by a clergyman [W. Elwin].

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1854 - 320 pages
...upon thee, As, with a sigh, I deem thou might'st have been to me ! CHILDE HAROLD.— Canto III VENICE. I STOOD in Venice, on the Bridge of Sighs ; A palace...structures rise As from the stroke of the enchanter's wand : * The Bridge of Sighs, which connects the Ducal palace with the prison ou the other side of the canal,...
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The Last Days of Alexander, and the First Days of Nicholas, (emperors of Russia)

Robert Lee - 1854 - 228 pages
...the palaces upon its shore. The lines of Lord Byron came to my recollection— " I stood in Tenice on the Bridge of Sighs, A palace and a prison on each...rise, As from the stroke of the enchanter's wand." 13th April, os, 1826.—Admiral Greig came into my apartments, in the house of Count "Woronzow, and...
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Letters and Journals of Lord Byron: With Notices of His Life, Volume 2

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1855 - 584 pages
...had lately given a new life to its glories, and sung of that fair City of the Sea thus grandly : " I stood in Venice on the Bridge of Sighs ; A palace...Look'd to the winged lion's marble piles, Where Venice sate in state, throned on her hundred isles." But, whatever emotions the first sight of such a scene...
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Thirty illustrations of Childe Harold. (Art-union of Lond.).

1855 - 540 pages
...Are ye like those within the human breast ? Or do ye find at length, like eagles, some high nest ? i! I stood in Venice, on the Bridge of Sighs, — A palace...smiles O'er the far times when many a subject land Looked to the winged Lion's marble piles, Where Venice sate in state, throned on her hundred isles....
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Lecture on the Writings and Genius of Byron: Before the Carlisle Mechanics ...

John Clark Ferguson - 1856 - 90 pages
...the dashes of the oars with snatches of song from Tasso, Ariosto, Ac. His lines are as follow— " I stood in Venice, on the bridge of sighs ; A palace...Look'd to the winged Lion's marble piles, Where Venice sate in state, throned on her hundred isles ! " She looks a sea Cybele, fresh from ocean, Bising with...
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Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: A Romaunt

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1856 - 376 pages
...friend, BYHON. CHILDE HAROLD'S PILGRIMAGE. CANTO THE FOURTH. I STOOD in Venice, on the Bridge of Sighs ;1 A palace and a prison on each hand : I saw from out...Look'd to the winged lion's marble piles, Where Venice sate in state, throned on her hundred isles ! TI. She looks a sea Cybele, fresh from ocean,1 Rising...
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Night Thoughts on Life, Death and Immortality

Edward Young - 1856 - 536 pages
...ravish'd from the deep ! 774. Some: Namely,- Venice. Says Byron — u I saw from out the wave a structure rise As from the stroke of the enchanter's wand :...smiles O'er the far times, when many a subject land Looked to the wing'd lion's marble piles, "Where Venice sat in state, throned ou her hundred isles."...
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Night Thoughts on Life, Death and Immortality

Edward Young - 1856 - 556 pages
...ravish'd from the deep 1 774. Some : Namely, Venice. Says Byron — " I saw from out the wave a structure rise As from the stroke of the enchanter's wand :...smiles O'er the far times, when many a subject land Looked to the wing'd lion's marble piles, Where Venice sat in state, throned on her hundred isles."...
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The Further Adventures of the Little Traveller

George Frederick Pardon - 1857 - 284 pages
...condition. No better description of Venice is extant than that which Byron gives, speaking as if he stood on the Bridge of Sighs : — " A palace and a prison...smiles O'er the far times, when many a subject land Looked to the winged Leoni marble piles, Where Venice sat in state, throned on her hundred isles."...
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