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" The first reading of a bill shall be for information, and, if opposition be made to it, the question shall be, " Shall this bill be rejected ?" If no opposition be made, or if the question to reject be negatived, the bill shall go to its second reading... "
Journal of the Proceedings of the Assembly of the State of California - Page 64
de California. Legislature. Assembly - 1854
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Legislative Documents, Volume 4

Iowa. General Assembly - 1896 - 1240 pages
...bill shall have its second and third reading on the same day. 44. The first reading of the bill shall be for information; and if opposition be made to it, the question is : " Shall this bill be rejected?" If no opposition be made, or if the question to reject be negatived,...
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Legislative Documents Compiled by Order of the ... General Assembly, Volume 4

Iowa. General Assembly - 1898 - 1388 pages
...first reading of the bili shall be for information; and if oppcsition be made t)it, the question is: "Shall this bill be rejected? " If no opposition be made, or if the ques'.ion to rejact be negatived, th.3 bill shall go to its second reading without a question 45. Upon...
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Ohio Statesmen and Annals of Progress: From the Year 1788 to the Year 1900 ...

William Alexander Taylor, Aubrey Clarence Taylor - 1899 - 478 pages
...reading of a bill shall be for information, and if opposition be made the question shall be, " Shall the bill be rejected?" If no opposition be made, or if...the question to reject be negatived, the bill shall go to its second reading. 42. Upon the second reading of a bill the Speaker shall state it is ready...
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Appendix to Journals of Senate and Assembly ... of the Legislature, Volume 20

Nevada. Legislature - 1901 - 1176 pages
...reading. No bill shall be amended or committed until twice read. The first reading of a bill shall be for information, and if opposition be made to it, the question shall be, "Shall the bill be rejected?" If no opposition be made, or if the question to reject be negatived, the bill...
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Legislative Documents, Volume 5

Iowa. General Assembly - 1902 - 1326 pages
...bill shall have its second and third reading on the same day. 44. The first reading of the bill shall be for information; and if opposition be made to it, the question is: "Shall this bill be rejected?" If no opposition be made, or if the question to reject be negatived,...
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Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Connecticut

Connecticut. General Assembly. House of Representatives - 1903 - 1414 pages
...resolution shall be by its title, unless the rending be called for by a member. If opposition be made, the question shall be " Shall this bill be rejected...or if the question to reject be negatived, the bill or resolution shall go to its second reading without a question. 26. Every resolution or bill granting...
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The Budget Report of the State Board of Finance and ..., Volume 1,Partie 1

Connecticut. Board of Finance and Control - 1903 - 1146 pages
...its title, unless the reading be called for by a member. If opposition be made, the question shall he "Shall this bill be rejected? " If no opposition be...or if the question to reject be negatived, the bill or resolution shall go to its second reading without a question. 26. Every resolution or bill granting...
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The Budget Report of the State Board of Finance and ..., Volume 1,Partie 1

Connecticut. Board of Finance and Control - 1905 - 1230 pages
...resolution shall be by its title, unless the reading be called for by a member. If opposition be made, the question shall be "Shall this bill be rejected?"...or if the question to reject be negatived, the bill or resolution shall go to its second reading without a question. 26. Every resolution or bill granting...
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Constitution of the United States of America, with the Amendments Thereto ...

United States. Congress. House - 1879 - 456 pages
...the bill," and it therenpon receives its second reading.] BILLS. The first reading of a bill shall be for information, and if opposition be made to it,...question shall be : " Shall this bill be rejected T" — Rule 117, p. 131. And this question is debatable. — Journal, 2, 32, p. 152. But " if no opposition...
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Congressional Serial Set

1905 - 624 pages
...reading whether it be the first, second, or third. The first readmg of a bill or joint resolution shall be for information, and if opposition be made to it, the question shall be propounded "Shall the bill or resolution be rejected?" If no objection be made, or if the question...
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