| United States. Congress - 1852 - 712 pages
...be twice read on the same day, without special order of the House. The first reading of a bill shall & ogk ^ $Օ Ń S[c _+ . ? }g _ w xħ L;s叻t { : N p 3W ǥ b Y | a l W =Q s& 1" If no opposition be made, or if the question to reject be negatived, the bill shall go to its second... | |
 | South Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives - 1852 - 370 pages
...interests of our several constituencies, and the State at^large, are cared for and subserved. ........ .... Bill be rejected?" If no opposition be made, or, if the question to reject the restoration of concord and fraternal sentiments throughout the limits of the State ; and earnestly... | |
 | Joseph Bartlett Burleigh - 1853 - 354 pages
...read on the same day, without special order of the House. R. 116. The first reading of a bill shall be for information, and, if opposition be made to...the question to reject be negatived, the bill shall go to its second reading without a question.! * In the early stages of the Government, before the institution... | |
 | California. Legislature. Assembly - 1853 - 1296 pages
...twice read on the same day, without special order of the House. 65th. The first reading of a bill shall be for information, and if opposition be made to it,...be, " shall this bill be rejected?" If no opposition ,he made, or if the question to nject be negatived. tire-Mil / shall go to its second reading without..a... | |
 | New York (State). Secretary's Office - 1853 - 476 pages
...read, after which it may be referred to a committee. — Rule 27. The first reading of a bill shall be for information; and, if opposition be made to...the question shall be, "Shall this bill be rejected '!" It no opposition be made, or if the question to reject be negatived, the bill shall go to its second... | |
 | New Mexico. Legislative Assembly. House of Representatives - 1855 - 316 pages
...the clerk noting the date of its passage at the foot thereof. 56. The first reading of a bill shall be for information, and if opposition be made to it,...this bill be rejected?" If no opposition be made, or the question to reject be negatived, the bill shall pass to its second reading without a question.... | |
 | New Mexico. Legislative Assembly. House of Representatives - 1855 - 576 pages
...reading ot' a bill shall U'j for information, and if opposition be made to it, the question shiill be, "Shall this bill be rejected?'' If no opposition...the question to reject be negatived, the bill shall go to its second read i eg without a question. 57. Upon the second reading of a bill, the Speaker shall... | |
 | California. Legislature. Assembly - 1855 - 956 pages
...otherwise. No Bill shall be amended or committed until twice read. The first reading of a Bill shall be for information, and if opposition be made to it,...question shall be, " Shall this bill be rejected." If ne opposition be made, or if the question to reject be negatived, the Bill shall then take the usual... | |
 | United States. Congress - 1855 - 794 pages
...information ; and, if opposition be made to it, the question shall be, " Shall the bill be rejected Î" If.no opposition be made, or if the question to reject be negatived, the bill shall go to its second reading without a question. Upon the second reading of a bill, the Speaker shall state... | |
 | California. Legislature. Assembly - 1856 - 968 pages
...otherwise. No Bill shall be amended or committed until twice read. The first reading of a Bill shall be for information, and if opposition be made to it,...negatived, the Bill shall then take the usual course. VIH. General Appropriation Bills shall be in order in preference to any other bills unless otherwise... | |
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