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" We thought, as we hollowed his narrow bed, And smoothed down his lonely pillow, That the foe and the stranger would tread o'er his head, And we far away on the billow. Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him,—... "
A Summer's Cruise in the Waters of Greece, Turkey and Russia - Page 5
de Alfred Colbeck - 1887 - 416 pages
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The life of lieutenant-general sir John Moore, Volume 2

James Carrick Moore - 1834 - 434 pages
...foe and the stranger would tread o'er his head, And we far away on the billow! VI. Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him,— But little he'll reck, if they let him sleep on In the grave where a Briton has laid him. VII. But...
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An Essay on Elocution: Designed for the Use of Schools and Private Learners

Samuel Kirkham - 1834 - 360 pages
...the stranger would tread o'er his head'. And we' ... far away o'er the billow'. Lightly they'll speak of the spirit that's gone', And o'er his cold ashes' . . upbraid him'; But little he'll reck', if they let him sleep on' In the grave where his comrades* have laid him'....
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The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth: A Collection of ..., Volume 2

1835 - 320 pages
...That the foe and the stranger would tread o'er his head And we far away on the billow. Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him, But nothing he'll reck if they let him sleep on, In the grave where a Briton has laid him. But half...
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Tales of the wars; or, Naval and military chronicle

1836 - 884 pages
...the foe and the stranger would tread o'er his head, And we far away on the billow. Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him. But nothing he'll reck If they let him sleep on, In the grave where a Briton has laid hini. ' But half...
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The National Reader: A Selection of Exercises in Reading and Speaking ...

John Pierpont - 1835 - 278 pages
...billow. Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him ; But nothing he'll reck, if they let him sleep on, In the grave where a BriUm has laid him. 'i , But half of our heavy task was done, When the clock tolled the hour for retiring...
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The Book of Gems: Wordsworth to Bayly

Samuel Carter Hall - 1838 - 336 pages
...billow ! Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, And o'er his cold ashes uphraid him ; — But little he'll reck, if they let him sleep on In the grave where a Briton has laid him. But half of our heavy task was done, When the clock struck the hour for retiring ; And we heard the...
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The Book of Gems: Wordsworth to Bayly

Samuel Carter Hall - 1838 - 346 pages
...billow ! Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him ; — But little he'll reck, if they let him sleep on In the grave where a Briton has laid him. But half of our heavy task was done, When the clock struck the hour for retiring ; And we heard the...
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The Rhetorical Reader: Consisting of Instructions for Regulating the Voice ...

Ebenezer Porter - 1838 - 316 pages
...they '11 talk of the spirit that 's gone-, And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him; But nothing he '11 reck, if they let him sleep on In 'the grave where a Briton has laid him." 7 But half of our heavy task was done, 8 ( j; ) Slowly and sadly we laid him down, From the field of...
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The National Preceptor: Or, Selections in Prose and Poetry; Consisting of ...

Jesse Olney - 1838 - 346 pages
...foe and the stranger would tread o'er his head. And we far away on the billow ! 6. " Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him ; But nothing he'll reck, if they let him sleep on In the grave where a Briton has laid him." 7. But...
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The Book of Gems: Wordsworth to Bayly

Samuel Carter Hall - 1838 - 412 pages
...the foe and the stranger would tread o'er his head, And we far away on the billow ! Lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone, And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him ; — But little he'll reck, if they let him sleep on In the grave where a Briton has laid him. But...
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