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" Stop ! for thy tread is on an Empire's dust ! An Earthquake's spoil is sepulchred below ! Is the spot mark'd with no colossal bust ? Nor column trophied for triumphal show ? None ; but the moral's truth tells simpler so, As the ground was before, thus... "
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott: With a Memoir of the Author - Page 238
de Walter Scott - 1857
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Childe Harold's pilgrimage, The giaour, The siege of Corinth [and other poems].

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1832 - 488 pages
...colossal bust? Nor column trophied for triumphal show ? None ; but the moral's truth tells simpler so, As the ground was before, thus let it be ; — How...Thou first and last of fields ! king-making victory ! XVIII , And Harold stands upon this place of skulls, The grave of France, the deadly Waterloo ! How...
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The Complete Works of Lord Byron: Including His Suppressed Poems ..., Volume 1

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1832 - 488 pages
...colossal bust ? Nor column trophied for triumphal show ? None ; but the moral's truth tells simpler so, As the ground was before, thus let it be ; — How...Thou first and last of fields ! king-making victory ! XVIII And Harold stands upon this place of skulls, The grave of France, the deadly Waterloo ! How...
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The English Orator: a Selection of Pieces for Reading & Recitation

James Hedderwick - 1833 - 232 pages
...colossal bust? Nor column trophied for triumphal show? None; but the moral's truth tells simpler so. As the ground was before, thus let it be. — How...Thou first and last of fields ! king-making Victory ? There was a sound of revelry by night, And Belgium's capital had gather'd then Her beauty and her...
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The Works of George Byron: With His Letters and Journals, and His Life, Volume 8

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1836 - 356 pages
...colossal bust ? Nor column trophied for triumphal show ? None ; but the moral's truth tells simpler so, As the ground was before, thus let it be ; — How...has gain'd by thee, Thou first and last of fields I king-making Victory ? XVIII. And Harold stands upon this place of skulls, The grave of France, the...
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The American Orator's Own Book: Or, The Art of Extemporaneous Public ...

1836 - 362 pages
...colossal bust? Nor column trophied for triumphal show ? None ; but the moral's truth tells simpler so. As the ground was before, thus let it be. — How...made the harvest grow ! And is this all the world has gained l>y thee, Thou first and last of fields! king-making victory ? There was a sound of revelry...
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The complete works of lord Byron, repr. from the last London ed ..., Volume 1

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1837 - 480 pages
...colossal bust? Nor column trophied for triumphal show ? None; but the moral's truth tells simpler so, As the ground was before, thus let it be ; — How...grow ! And is this all the world has gain'd by thee, Thoa first and last of fields! king-making Victory? XVIII. And Harold stands upon this place of skulls,...
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Childe Harold's pilgrimage, a romaunt

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1837 - 352 pages ? None ; hut the moral's truth tells simpler so, As the ground was hefore, thus let it he ; — How that red rain hath made the harvest grow ! And is this all the world has gain'd hy thee, Thou first and last of fields ! king-making Victory ? In the first sixteen stanzas there is...
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Childe Harold's pilgrimage, a romaunt

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1841 - 474 pages
...colossal bust ? Nor column trophied for triumphal show ? None ; but the moral's truth tells simpler so, As the ground was before, thus let it be ; — How...Thou first and last of fields ! king.making Victory ? xvm. And Harold stands upon this place of skulls, The grave of France, the deadly Waterloo ! How...
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Zeitgenossen: Biograhien und Charakteristiken, Volume 5,Numéros 17 à 20

1841 - 844 pages
...über bem ©taube eineê SReidjeè." Unb feine ¿janje 3)2oral übet baé ungeheure ícicl;cnfcíb i ft How that red rain hath made the harvest grow! And...Thou first and last of fields! King-making Victory? bringt er, ber arge Kosmopolit, aud) ein Opfer ber Dietat auf bem fonfl fo wenig Ijeilig gemaltes nen...
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The Complete Works of Lord Byron: Reprinted from the Last London Edition ...

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1841 - 998 pages
...colossal bust? Nor column trophied for triumphal show ? None; but the moral's truth tells simpler so, t chills the vulgar heart. What is thec, Thou fírst and last of fields! king-making Victory? xvm. And Harold stands upon this place of...
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