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" However, I need not their help to reprove the vanity of those many love-poems, that are daily writ, and consecrated to Venus ; nor to bewail that so few are writ, that look towards God and Heaven. For my own part, my meaning — dear Mother — is, in... "
Lives of Sacred Poets - Page 196
de Robert Aris Willmott - 1834 - 363 pages
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The American Quarterly Observer, Volume 3

Bela Bates Edwards - 1834 - 408 pages
...reprove the vanity of those many love poems that are daily writ, and consecrated to Venus; nor to be wail that so few are writ, that look towards God and heaven....shall be all and ever consecrated to God's glory." He was made bachelor of arts in 1611, fellow of the college and master of arts in 1615, when he was...
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The Church of England magazine [afterw.] The Church of England and ..., Volume 1

1836 - 574 pages
...good angel to guard and guide him." In his seventeenth year we find Herbert writing to his mother, " For my own part, my meaning, dear mother, is, in these...poetry shall be all and ever consecrated to God's glory ; and 1 beg you to receive this as one testimony j" and then follows the religious poem which begins...
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Lives of the English Sacred Poets, Volume 1

Robert Aris Willmott - 1839 - 388 pages
...But I fear the heat of my late ague hath dried up those springs by which scholars say the Muses used to take up their habitations. However, I need not...boyhood, had been a ministration of purity and peace. The amiable Dr. Hammond, when at Eton, frequently stole away from his companions to the most sequestered...
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Ecclesiastical Biography; Or, Lives of Eminent Men, Connected with the ...

1839 - 736 pages
...his going to Cambridge sent his dear mother for a new-year's gift, may appear to be some testimony. " But I fear the heat of my late ague hath dried up...shall be all, and ever consecrated to God's glory : and I beg you to receive this as one testimony." My God, where is that ancient heat towards thee,...
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The Church of England Magazine, Volume 8

1840 - 504 pages
...from, and remarks oil his poetry. Writing to lus mother, when in his seventeenth year, he »ays, " For my own part, my meaning, dear mother, is, in these...shall be, all and ever, consecrated to God's glory. " The Temple," his only poetical work, certainly exhibits more piety than poetry. Its history was beantifnlly...
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The Remains of that Sweet Singer of The Temple

George Herbert - 1841 - 422 pages
...his going to Cambridge sent his dear mother for a new-year's gift, may appear to be some testimony. " But I fear the heat of my late ague hath dried up...poetry shall be all and ever consecrated to God's glory ; and I beg you to receive this as one testimony." My God, where is that ancient heat towards thee,...
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The remains of ... George Herbert

George Herbert - 1841 - 394 pages
...his going to Cambridge sent his dear mother for a new-year's gift, may appear to be some testimony. " But I fear the heat of my late ague hath dried up...shall be all and ever consecrated to God's glory; and I beg you to receive this as one testimony." My God, where ia that ancient heat towards thee, Wherewith...
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The Iris, Or Literary Messenger, Volume 1

1841 - 580 pages
...springs, by which scholars say the Muses used to take up their habitation. My meaning in these sonnets is to declare my resolution to be, that my poor abilities...shall be all and ever consecrated to God's glory." He studied so diligently, that he ran through the degrees of Minor Fellow, Bachelor of Arts, Major...
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The Temple: And the Country Parson

George Herbert - 1842 - 400 pages
...up their habitations. However, I need not their help to reprove the vanity of those many love poems that are daily writ, and consecrated to Venus ; nor...poetry shall be all and ever consecrated to God's glory ; and I beg you to receive this as one testimony." My God, where is that ancient heat towards thee,...
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The Eton School Magazine

1842 - 542 pages
...Venus ; nor to bewail that so few are writ that look toward God and heaven. For my own part, my meaning is in these sonnets, to declare my resolution to be, that my poor abilities in poetry shall be for ever consecrated to God's glory."* Is he to be thought lightly of by modern critics, because he...
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