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" However, I need not their help to reprove the vanity of those many love-poems, that are daily writ, and consecrated to Venus ; nor to bewail that so few are writ, that look towards God and Heaven. For my own part, my meaning — dear Mother — is, in... "
Lives of Sacred Poets - Page 196
de Robert Aris Willmott - 1834 - 363 pages
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The Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine

1866 - 1214 pages
...towards God and heaven. For my own part, my meaning, dear mother, Is, in these focnefs, to declare iny resolution to be, that my poor abilities in poetry shall be all and erer consecrated to God's glory." To this resolution he faithfully adhered. George Herbert may be looked...
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The English Works of George Herbert: Newly Arranged and Annotated ..., Volume 1

George Herbert, George Herbert Palmer - 1915 - 520 pages
...English poetry. In these Sonnets, Walton reports him as saying, I declare my resolution to be thai my poor Abilities in Poetry shall be all and ever consecrated to God's glory. Herbert, thus early discovering himself to be a poet, here fixes the field most suitable to his genius....
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The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 97

1906 - 872 pages
...years. So early as 1610 he wrote two sonnets to his mother in which he declared his resolution that his "poor abilities in poetry shall be all and ever consecrated to God's glory." It should be his aim to "reprove the vanity of those many Love-poems that are daily writ and consecrated...
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The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 37 ;Volume 97

1906 - 938 pages
...years. So early as 1610 he wrote two sonnets to his mother in which he declared his resolution that his "poor abilities in poetry shall be all and ever consecrated to God's glory." It should be his aim to "reprove the vanity of those many Love-poems that are daily writ and consecrated...
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Five Metaphysical Poets

Joan Bennett - 168 pages
...declared that he did not need the help of the muses ' to reprove the vanity of those many love poems that are daily writ, and consecrated to Venus; nor...shall be all and ever consecrated to God's glory.' The sonnets show the influence of Donne; the first begins with a question, the second with a statement,...
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Melodious Guile: Fictive Pattern in Poetic Language

John Hollander - 1990 - 280 pages
...declares his intention not to write love poetry. He encloses two sonnets, in which he declares his "resolution to be that my poor abilities in poetry...shall be all and ever consecrated to God's glory." Here is the first of them. It is all, all, questions: My God, where is that ancient heat towards Thee...
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The Complete English Poems

George Herbert - 1991 - 500 pages
...writ that look towards God and Heaven. For my own part my meaning (dear Mother) is in these sonnets,20 to declare my resolution to be, that my poor abilities...shall be all, and ever consecrated to God's glory. And I beg you to receive this as one testimony. My God, where is that ancient heat21 towards thee,...
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The Problem of Consciousness in Modern Poetry

Hugh Underhill - 1992 - 360 pages
...content.17 A devotional poet - one thinks of what George Herbert is said to have written to his mother: 'my poor abilities in poetry, shall be all and ever consecrated to God's glory' -- may offer his poems to the world as a testimony of his faith, and may even, while composing, feel...
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George Herbert: The Critical Heritage

C. A. Patrides - 1995 - 420 pages
...his going to Cambridge sent his dear Mother for a New-years gift, may appear to be some testimony. 'But I fear the heat of my late Ague hath dried up...Abilities in Poetry shall be all, and ever consecrated to Gods glory; and beg you to receive this as one testimony. My God, where is that ancient heat towards...
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Way of The English Mystics

Gordon C. Miller - 1996 - 191 pages
...mother a New Year's gift in the form of a letter consisting of two sonnets and a pledge, saying that "for my own part, my meaning (dear Mother) is in these...Abilities in Poetry, shall be all, and ever consecrated to Gods glory."2 It was a number of years, however, before Herbert turned his entire life explicitly toward...
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