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" However, I need not their help to reprove the vanity of those many love-poems, that are daily writ, and consecrated to Venus ; nor to bewail that so few are writ, that look towards God and Heaven. For my own part, my meaning — dear Mother — is, in... "
Lives of Sacred Poets - Page 196
de Robert Aris Willmott - 1834 - 363 pages
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The Song of Songs in English Renaissance Literature: Kisses of Their Mouths

Noam Flinker - 2000 - 190 pages
...would 'reprove the vanity of those many Love-poems, that are daily writ and consecrated to Venus . . . For my own part, my meaning (dear Mother) is in these...Abilities in Poetry, shall be all, and ever consecrated to Gods glory' (Herbert 363). In addition, Baldwin's play with unusual verse forms suggests a similar...
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Common Prayer: The Language of Public Devotion in Early Modern England

Ramie Targoff - 2001 - 177 pages
...the young Herbert sent a pair of sonnets to his mother along with a letter announcing his intention that "my poor abilities in poetry shall be all and ever consecrated to God's glory," an intention clearly announced in the opening lines of the first sonnet: Why are not sonnets made of...
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The English Poems of George Herbert

George Herbert - 2007 - 47 pages
...that look towards God and Heaven'. He informed his mother that, by means of the sonnets, he intended 'to declare my resolution to be that my poor Abilities in Poetry, shall be all, and ever consecrated to Gods glory . Sources. H.'s youthful sonnets inevitably borrow from the very tradition of love poetry...
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The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 95

1905 - 936 pages
...Herbert and in the development of English poetry. "In these sonnets," Walton reports him as saying, "I declare my resolution to be that my poor abilities...shall be all and ever consecrated to God's glory." Herbert, thus early discovering himself to be a poet, here fixes the field most suitable to his genius....
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The Congregationalist, Volume 4

Robert William Dale, James Guinness Rogers - 1875 - 780 pages
...his early age to virtue, and a serious study of learning." At seventeen he wrote to his mother — "my poor abilities in poetry shall be all and ever consecrated to God's glory." Some of his earlier poems, written at this period, breathe a devoted spirit of piety. Music, too, was...
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