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" I steal by lawns and grassy plots, I slide by hazel covers ; I move the sweet forget-me-nots That grow for happy lovers. I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance, Among my skimming swallows ; I make the netted sunbeam dance Against my sandy shallows. I murmur... "
The National Review - Page 409
publié par - 1855
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The Ladies' Repository, Volume 18

1858 - 866 pages
...happy lovers. I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance, Among my skimming swallows; I make tho netted sunbeam dance Against my sandy shallows ; I murmur under moon and stars In brambly wildernesses ; I linger by iny shingly bars; I loiter round my cresses ; And out »gain I curve and flow To join tho brimming...
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The Royal academy review, a guide to the exhibition of the Royal academy of ...

1858 - 140 pages
...manly piece of portraiture, and remarkable for pleasant tone in the background. No. 250 JC HOOK, A. " And out again I curve and flow, To join the brimming river; For men may come, and men may go, But I go on for ever." The figures in the cart on the left are deliciously...
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The White Hills: Their Legends, Landscape, and Poetry

Thomas Starr King - 1859 - 438 pages
...swallows I murmur under moon and stars In biambly wildernesses; . I linger by my shingly bars., I '"uter round my cresses; And out again I curve and flow To join the brimming river, For men may come and men may go But I go oa forever. A sonnet of Wordsworth's also, written evidently in...
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Maud: And Other Poems

Alfred Tennyson - 1859 - 186 pages
...lovers. I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance, Among my skimming swallows ; SI make the netted sunbeam dance Against my sandy shallows. I murmur under moon and stars In brambly wildernesses ; And out again I curve and flow To join the brimming river, For men may come and men may go, But I...
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Maud ...

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1859 - 188 pages
...lovers. I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance, Among my skimming swallows ; I make the netted sunbeam dance Against my sandy shallows. I murmur under moon and stars In brambly wildernesses ; And out again I curve and flow To join the brimming river, For men may come and men may go, But I...
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Sabrinae corolla, in hortulis regiae scholae Salopiensis ..., Page 68

Severn river - 1859 - 408 pages
...lovers. I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance, Among my skimming swallows ; I make the netted sunbeam dance Against my sandy shallows. I murmur under moon and stars In brambly wildernesses ; 1 linger by my shingly bars ; I loiter round my cresses ; And out again I curve and flow To join...
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The Dublin University Magazine, Volume 54

1859 - 782 pages
...that accompanies the representation of a beautiful landscape with figures. The lines quoted are — "And out again I curve and flow, To join the brimming river ; For men may come, and men may go, But 1 go on for ever." A narrow streamlet takes a sudden bend in front...
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Nightingale Valley: A Collection, Including a Great Number of the Choicest ...

William Allingham - 1860 - 316 pages
...lovers. I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance, Among my skimming swallows ; I make the netted sunbeam dance Against my sandy shallows. I murmur under moon...again I curve and flow To join the brimming river, For men may come and men may go, But I go on for ever. TEHNYSON. LA BELLE DAME SANS MERCY. AH, what can...
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The White Hills: Their Legends, Landscape, and Poetry

Thomas Starr King - 1860 - 436 pages
...happy lovers. I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance, Among my skimming swallows; I make the netted sunbeam dance Against my sandy shallows. I murmur under moon and stars In brambly wildernesses; I linger by rny shingly bars; 1 loiter round my cresses; And out again I curve and flow To join the brimming river,...
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A Grammar of the English Language: Adpated to the Use of Schools and Academies

Samuel Stillman Greene - 1860 - 276 pages
...grassy plots, I slide by hazel covers ; I move the sweet forget-me-nots That grow for happy lovers. And out again I curve and flow, To join the brimming river ; For men may come and men may go, But I go on for ever. — Tennyson. PARTICIPLES. 91. Definition and Distinctions....
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