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" The moon shines bright : — In such a night as this, When the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees, And they did make no noise ; in such a night, Troilus, methinks, mounted the Trojan walls, And sigh'd his soul toward the Grecian tents, Where Cressid... "
Merchant of Venice. As you like it - Page 109
de William Shakespeare - 1785
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The Wisdom and Genius of Shakespeare: Comprising Moral Philosophy ...

William Shakespeare, Thomas Price - 1839 - 478 pages
...The yesty waves Confound and swallow navigation up. 15— iv. 1. 55 The moon shines bright : — In such a night as this, When the sweet wind did gently...such a night, Troilus, methinks, mounted the Trojan walls, And sigh'd his soul towards the Grecian tents, Where Cressid lay that night. In such a night,...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1839 - 550 pages
...I.—Belmont. A-ctnue to PORTIA'S House. Enttr LORENZO and JESSICA. Lorenzo. THE moon shines bright:—In such a night as this, When the sweet wind did gently...trees, And they did make no noise ; in such a night, Troilus.-methinks, mounted the Trojan walls, And sigh'd his soul toward the Grecian tents, Where Cressid...
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The works of William Shakespeare, the text formed from an entirely ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1842 - 582 pages
...Belmont. The Avenue to PORTIA'S House. Enter LORENZO and JESSICA. Lor. The moon shines bright. — In such a night as this, When the sweet wind did gently...such a night, Troilus, methinks, mounted the Trojan walls, And sigh'd his soul toward the Grecian tents, Where Cressid lay that night. Jes. In such a night,...
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The works of Shakspere, revised from the best authorities: with a ..., Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1843 - 658 pages
...— Belmont. Aesnue to PORTIA'S House. Enter LORENZO and JESSICA. Lor. The moon shines bright. — In such a night as this, When the sweet wind did gently...such a night, Troilus, methinks, mounted the Trojan walls, And sighed his soul toward the Grecian tents, Where Cressid lay that night Jes. In such a night...
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Merchant of Venice

William Shakespeare - 1843 - 88 pages
...Belmont. The Avenue to PORTIA'S House. Enter LORENZO and JESSICA. Lar. The moon shines bright. — In such a night as this, When the sweet wind did gently...such a night, Troilus, methinks, mounted the Trojan walls, And sigh'd bis soul toward the Grecian tents , Where Cressid lay that night. Jes. In such a...
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Knight's Cabinet edition of the works of William Shakspere, Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1843 - 376 pages
...Belmont. Avenue to Portia's Souse. Enter LORENZO and JESSICA. Lor. The moon shines bright : — In such a night as this, When the sweet wind did gently...such a night, Troilus, methinks, mounted the Trojan walls, And sigh'd his soul toward the Grecian tents, Where Cressid lay that night. Jes. In such a night,...
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The family Shakespeare [expurgated by T. Bowdler]. in which those words are ...

William Shakespeare - 1843 - 1008 pages
...— Belmont. Avenue to Portia'j House. Enter LOBIHXO and JESSICA. Lr. The moon shines bright : — In À mount«! the Trojan walls, And ugh'd his soul toward the Grecian tents, Where Cressid Uy that night....
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Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54

1843 - 1378 pages
...but an Italian moon to realize the loveliness of the scene in Belmont. " The moon sliines bright. In such a night as this, When the sweet wind did gently...trees, And they did make no noise — in such a night Medea gather'd the enchanted herbs That did renew old Jason." As 1 glanced oh the little, superbfy...
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Midsummer-night's dream. Love's labor's lost. Merchant of Venice. As y@u ...

William Shakespeare - 1844 - 554 pages
...1. Belmont. Avenue to Portia's House. Enter LORENZO and JESSICA. Lor. The moon shines bright. — In such a night as this, When the sweet wind did gently...such a night, Troilus, methinks, mounted the Trojan walls, And sighed his soul toward the Grecian tents, Where Cressid lay that night. 1 ie more reflection....
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The Plays and Poems of Shakespeare,: According to the Improved ..., Volume 3

William Shakespeare - 1844 - 374 pages
...Enter LORENZO and JESSICA. Lor. The moon shines bright. — In such a night as this, 1 Reflection. When the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees, And...such a night, Troilus, methinks, mounted the Trojan walls, And sigh'd his soul toward the Grecian tents, Where Cressid lay that night. Jes. In such a night,...
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