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" I hope this cruel contest will soon be closed; but should it continue, I wage no war with the fair. I acknowledge their force, and bend before it with submission. "
The Atlantic Magazine - Page 320
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The Life and Character of John Paul Jones, a Captain in the United States ...

John Henry Sherburne - 1851 - 434 pages of prisoners, will be an act of humanity which will afford you golden feelings on a death-bed. " I hope this cruel contest will soon be closed ; but,...ambitious of her esteem and friendship, and would do anything, consistent with my duty, to merit it. " The honor of a line from your hand, in answer to...
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The Life and Character of John Paul Jones, a Captain in the United States ...

John Henry Sherburne - 1851 - 422 pages of prisoners, will be an act of humanity which will afford you golden feelings on a death-bed. u I hope this cruel contest will soon be closed ; but,...Countess of Selkirk regard me as an enemy. I am ambitious gf her esteem and friendship, and would do anything, consistent with my duty, to merit it. " I wish...
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Life and Battles of John Paul Jones: The Greatest Naval Hero of Modern Times

John Paul Jones - 1855 - 560 pages of prisoners will be an act of humanity which will afford you golden feelings on a death-bed. " I hope this cruel contest will soon be closed ; any thing, consistent with my duty, to merit it. lay me under a singular obligation ; and if I can render you any acceptable service in France or elsewhere,...
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Centennial Offering: Republication of the Principles and Acts of the ...

Hezekiah Niles - 1876 - 536 pages
...persuaded you will attempt it — and who can resist the power of such an advocate ?) your endeavors to effect a general exchange of prisoners will be...I wage no war with the fair ! I acknowledge their power, and bend before it with profound submission ! Let not, therefore, the amiable countess of Selkirk...
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Centennial Offering: Republication of the Principles and Acts of the ...

Hezekiah Niles - 1876 - 536 pages
...continue, I wage no war with the fair ! I acknowledge their power. and bend before it with profound submission '. Let not, therefore, the amiable countess of Selkirk regard me as an enemy ; I am ambitjous of her esteem and friendship, and would do anything consistent with my duty to merit it....
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Werken - Historisch Genootschap, Volume 27

1879 - 882 pages of prisoners will be an act of humanity, which will afford you golden feelings on a deathbed. I hope this cruel contest will soon be closed; but...wage no war with the Fair — I acknowledge their power, and .bend before it with profound submission ! let not therefore the amiable countess of Selkirk...
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Werken, Numéro 27

1879 - 1020 pages of prisonera will be an act of humanity, which will afford you golden feelings on a deathbed. I hope this cruel contest will soon be closed; but should it continue — l wage no war with the Fair — I acknowledge their power, and bend before it with profound submission...
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Kings and queens of an hour: records of love, romance ..., Numéro 613,Volume 2

Percy Hetherington Fitzgerald - 1883 - 446 pages of prisoners will be an act of humanity which will afford you golden feelings on a death-bed. " I hope this cruel contest will soon be closed ; but...ambitious of her esteem and friendship, and would do anything, consistent with my duty, to merit it. " The honour of a line from your hand in answer to...
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A Library of American Literature...

Stedman, Edmund C. and Hutchinson Ellen M. - 1888 - 566 pages of prisoners will be an act of humanity which will afford you golden feelings on a deathbed. I hope this cruel contest will soon be closed; but...ambitious of her esteem and friendship, and would do anything, consistent with my duty, to merit it The honor of a line from your hand in answer to this,...
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A Library of American Literature from the Earliest Settlement to the Present ...

Edmund Clarence Stedman, Ellen Mackay Hutchinson, Mrs. Ellen Mackay Hutchinson Cortissoz - 1894 - 592 pages of prisoners will be an act of humanity which will afford you golden feelings on a deathbed. I hope this cruel contest will soon be closed ; but...ambitious of her esteem and friendship, and would do anything, consistent with my duty, to merit it The honor of a line from your hand in answer to this,...
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